Charty Party: All Ages Edition
Charty Party: All Ages Edition

Charty Party: All Ages Edition
Charty Party: All Ages Edition
The family-friendly, equally hilarious edition of Charty Party! Works as a standalone game, or as an expansion to the original.
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Charty Party: All Ages Edition

Charty Party Original + Charty Party All Ages Bundle!
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The Game of Absurdly Funny Charts — Now for Classrooms, Families, and Even Your Grandma!
Need a goofy, smart game that you can play with the whole family? Charty Party: All Ages Editions is just as hilarious as the original, and appropriate for all.
If you're a teacher, we guarantee this is the the most fun way to have your students learning graphs without even realizing it! (We actually consulted with real teachers to make sure it's an awesome classroom fit.)
Ridiculous Nerdy Humor
With 44 absurd charts, it's your job to play the funniest answer to, "What's this graph all about?"
Designed with Teachers
Made to be appropriate for all but still hilarious, this game is also a wildly fun way to teach graph literacy.
Expands the Original!
While this content is all PG, the game can be hysterically NSFW when combined with the original Charty Party game.
Read our Reviews!

"I’m a high school math teacher and bought this over the summer to play with my classes when we have some down time (like a day before a long break, last day of school, etc).
Yesterday I finally broke it out as it was our last day before Christmas break, and we played with two of my AP classes.
We had an absolute blast! We were laughing hysterically at some of the graphs/combos of orange cards played."
-Steph, High School Math Teacher

"My students are loving the student version of the game... They said 'Mrs. G! These graphs and cards are funnier than the Apples to Apples game any day.' It’s a hit with 8th graders!"
— Maggie, middle school math teacher
"I saw a lot of lightbulb moments and students saying, ‘Oh, this is making so much sense!’ ...The opportunity to talk through graphs is really special."
— Jacklyn, high school math teacher
"I bought this game to bring to a game night and everyone loved it! It has the same general rules as apples to apples or cards against humanity, but with a great new take! The cards are creative and very funny, and it was great for the kids as well as the adults. Would definitely recommend for your next family gathering!"
— Emily
"I played this with high school students their first week of school. They loved it and they didn’t even know they were learning how to read graphs while playing it!"
— Michelle D, high school teacher
Watch Charty Party: All Ages Edition
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Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need to be a "math person" to play this game?
Definitely not. Charty Party is designed so everyone can intuitively make chart-based humor, and you’ll likely get even more comfortable with graphs as you play. In fact, many teachers use the All Ages Edition as a fun way to teach their students about graphs! (But, if you are a “math person,” you’ll probably find this game extra funny.)
How many players can play Charty Party?
3 or more players!
What's the difference between the Original Charty Party game and Charty Party: All Ages Edition?
While both equally hilarious, Charty Party: Original (the orange box) has some cards that are rated PG-13, and definitely isn’t appropriate for all. Charty Party: All Ages is designed for everyone, and you can feel totally comfortable playing with families and even classrooms!
Can I combine both game editions?
Heck yeah. Both games can work seamlessly for even more graphing fun!
How long is each round?
Individual rounds usually take about 1-2 minutes to make a response (feel free to set a 90 second timer if you like). The whole game takes anywhere from 30-60 minutes.
How long does a typical game last?
Similar to other party games, about 30-90 minutes. But, you can have fun playing just one round, or 20! We recommend first person to win five rounds wins the game.