Ransom Notes
The Ridiculous Word Magnet Game
An endlessly replayable, constantly hilarious party game for almost any group.
Players use word magnets to respond to outlandish prompts like “Tell someone you’ve clogged their toilet at a party”
With 250 absurd prompt cards and a new pool of words every time, this party game has infinite hilarious combinations
Learn to play in under one minute, and even the shyest players will be creating laugh-out-loud word magnet responses right away
Ransom Notes Game
Ransom Notes + Expansion Pack Bundle! (Expands game to 10 players; more prompts + words!)
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An endlessly replayable, constantly hilarious party game for almost any group.
Players use word magnets to respond to outlandish prompts like “Tell someone you’ve clogged their toilet at a party”
With 250 absurd prompt cards and a new pool of words every time, this party game has infinite hilarious combinations
Learn to play in under one minute, and even the shyest players will be creating laugh-out-loud word magnet responses right away

Ready to make some terrible sentences?
Make the best answer to an outrageous prompt... but you can only use your own pool of word magnets!
Master wordsmiths and "shy" people alike have no choice but to create hilariously awful responses — an equal playing ground for all!
Learn to play in one minute and endlessly replayable — no two responses will ever be the same
Add in our brand new Expansion Pack for nearly 200 more prompts, 120+ wild word magnet additions, and 4 extra trays to expand the game to 10 players!
Hilariously unique
every time.
With 250 absurd prompt cards and a different pool of word magnets every time, players end up creating an infinite variety of terribly awesome sentences.
Learn to play in
one minute.
Just take a few handfuls of word magnets, flip over a prompt card, and start playing — no long instructions to explain.
How to play
Read the Reviews

"When we start playing this game in my family, no one wants to stop. We just keep saying, "Let's do one more," after playing for hours. The game has almost no rules, and no learning curve. It has our family in absolute stitches, and in amazement at the cleverness of people's responses. It's a bonding experience for the whole family (kids in their 20s).
We also love that the game has infinite possibilities. You can never have a repeat answer to a prompt, and there are also tons of prompt cards. I recommend it 100%."
-Kelly Y.
"I love this game! I bought it randomly and now it’s one of my friends favorite game for me to bring to all our gatherings. You get to be creative but silly and it’s so much fun with a group of friends or people you just met.
Highly recommend if you are looking for an easy new game to pick up!"
- Anna

Frequently Asked Questions
Is the game appropriate for everyone?
Not really. While a majority of prompt cards are certainly suitable for all audiences, there are quite a few that are definitely not. BUT, if you do want to make it family friendly, pulling about 15-30% of the cards should make the game totally PG and playable for all!
What's included in the game?
Each game includes:
840 high quality word magnets
6 metal submission cards
250 prompt cards
Why is it called Ransom Notes?
We love the look and feel of classic ransom notes and how the word magnets in the game replicate it. Once you create a submission, you have something that looks and sounds like a ransom note.
How did you choose the words that went into the game?
We playtested Ransom Notes with a lots people using several diverse sets of poetry magnets. We kept track of the words people liked to use, especially those that were funny or otherwise versatile. The game has a really fun vocabulary!
How do I replenish my word tiles?
When it’s your turn to be the judge, just take another pinch of word magnets to replenish your supply (if you need it).
How long is each round?
Individual rounds usually take about 1-2 minutes to make a response (feel free to set a 90 second timer if you like). The whole game takes anywhere from 30-60 minutes.
When does the game end?
We suggest playing until someone wins five rounds. Or you run out of beer. We don’t care, we’re not cops.
How do the word magnets work?
The word magnets in Ransom Notes work just like refrigerator magnets. They’ll stick right to the metal cards included in the game, but are easy to wipe off at the end of each round.
How do the submission cards work?
The submission cards are made of tin so they’re magnetic, but not too magnetic. Your words won’t get messed up when you make your face-down submission and you won’t spend much time wiping them off when the round is over.
Are the word magnets sheets hard get apart at first?
During our first print run, we got some feedback that the "sheets" the word magnets came in took a while to separate. So, we've upgraded our materials so the magnets come apart faster and easier when you first get the game. Science!
How many players?
Ransom Notes is officially for 3-6 players, but you can have an excellent time playing with just two folks if you're willing to be honest about who won each round! If you have a large group, simply try teaming up — sometimes making terrible sentences with a partner is even funnier.